Narvikfjellet AS

For media/press

All rights to images and videos belong to Narvikfjellet, by mention of Narvikfjellet and where it is stated that it is Narvikfjellets facility, pictures and videos can be used with permission from Narvikfjellet AS. If permission is granted for the use of images/video, credit rating must be labeled with the photographer's name.

Press contact Narvikfjellet

Stine Holt
Administration Manager
[email protected]
+47 416 32 654

Jim Ove Johansen
+47 906 35 811



Visiting address 
Narvikfjellet AS 
Skistua 57
8515 Narvik

Mailing address 
Narvikfjellet AS
Postboks 335
8505 Narvik

Phone: +47 905 40 088
Org. nr.: NO 924 270 071 MVA
Bank: Sparebanken Narvik
Account nr.: 4520.18.34116

For booking: [email protected]
For general inquiries:[email protected]
For billing inquiries: [email protected]